Boxing Blogs



Protein Jelly Mousse

Snack or Dessert Ingredients: 1 x sachet Jelly Lite (flavour of choice – Aeroplane Jelly brand) 500g High protein cottage cheese (I used Bulla…

Chickpea Curry with Spinach

Chickpea Curry with Spinach Ingredients: 1 x medium brown onion, diced 2 x tsp ginger, grated (I used ginger paste) 1 tsp extra virgin…

Quick Quesadilla

100g cooked ‘Quick-Time’ Taco mince (see notes for ‘Quick- Time’ taco mince’ recipe) 1 x medium sized wrap (I used Simpson Pantry brand –…

Tip Tuesday – What is Whey Protein?

What exactly is ‘whey’? Whey is the liquid component of milk, which separates from the fatty components during cheese production. This is why when…

Surviving the Festive Season

Surviving the Festive Season The silly season is well and truly upon us and during this time it can be easy to overindulge. Sticking…