Boxing Blogs


Just getting strong IS 100% gonna help (with EVERYTHING!!)

Hey Team,

Thank you to everyone who has been training with us at Round 1 Fitness! It’s always inspiring to see so many of you committed to improving your health and fitness – it’s been pretty darned cold but everyone keeps showing up…it makes getting out of bed each day just a LITTLE bit easier for me knowing there will be people waiting outside the front door when I arrive!  

Today, I want to talk about a common concern we hear from many people – the fear that they will struggle to cope with our training programs due to injury or chronic pain…and this refers to old injuries/issues – and more recent ones!  Whilst I guess the overall ‘tone’ of this article is addressing new and prospective starters, I think it is equally relevant to long-term clients who are dealing with back pain/knee pain/shoulder pain etc.

The Reality of Physical Training

First off, there is no getting away from the fact that all of our primary training ‘TRACKS’ at Round 1 – for example, ‘BoxPlus’ (Boxing for Fitness) and ‘Functional Fitness’ (Strength and Conditioning) – are physically challenging. I mean – of course they are…you do have to “STRESS to PROGRESS”!!  But you have to remember that what is “STRESS” for you as a new starter/someone returning from injury is not “STRESS” for a 10+ year member…for everyone the challenge is different (and whilst the white boards/session plans are generally targeted at the experienced guys, all of our sessions are COACH RUN.  The coaches are there to assist the newer starters with exercise alternatives and modifications).  And in support of this, you have to remember that no-one – NO-ONE!!! – expects you to come in and dominate on day one. Our approach is to build your fitness gradually – from novice to competence, and then hopefully on to mastery.

The Corrective Power of Fitness

Fitness training, especially strength training, can be incredibly corrective for various physical issues. Here’s how:

  • Lower Back Pain: Strengthening your core muscles can significantly alleviate lower back pain. A strong core supports your spine, reducing strain and discomfort.
  • Knee Pain: Mobilization exercises combined with strengthening the muscles around your knee can stabilize the joint and reduce pain.
  • Shoulder Issues: Enhancing shoulder strength and mobility can relieve pain and improve your range of motion.

Consistency is Key: The most important factor in seeing these improvements is consistency. By training regularly, you will build strength and resilience, which in turn will help correct the physical issues you’ve experienced. But what does becoming STRONG really look like?

  • Being able to deadlift 2x your bodyweight is strong.  You can’t fake that!!
  • Performing 10 pull-ups is strong.  You 100% can’t fake that!
  • Walking from Aldi through the Gateways carpark to your car without putting down the bags is strong.  
  • Wearing a West Coast Eagles jumper after the Derby is SUPER STRONG (that one is clearly a joke everyone, don’t be so sensitive Mal!!).

“STRONG” means different things to everyone. It ALSO means different things depending on your stage of life and injury status.  BUT one thing ‘STRONG’ means in my head is ‘RESILIENT’ – able to push through challenges and resistant to injury!  We all have times where all we want to be able to do is get through the day without our back ‘locking up’…hopefully we all ALSO have blocks of time where we are building towards a new personal best lift.  You need to roll with the punches a little and – as per my post last week – being consistent in your training is the key.

Now – when you get started some of the sessions are going to be a challenge.  That’s OK – that’s how it SHOULD be when you first start.  You should build into the sessions over the first 6-8 weeks as you move from NOVICE to COMPETENCE in terms of your understanding/skill development and your physical capability.  I have to admit, I do find it super frustrating when people ‘give up’ after 1 or 2 sessions saying it’s “TOO HARD”.  If you are out-of-shape and looking to make a change, almost ANYTHING is going to be too hard…if it isn’t, then that program is not going to get you anywhere NEAR where you want to go in the long-term.  Stick at it – show persistence and determination – within 4-6 weeks “EVERYTHING” will be better as you build your base.

That’s probably enough.  If you’re coming back from an extended period of inactivity – good on you for looking to make a change.  Remember there is going to be a period where your body ‘builds’ into the sessions…and being persistent will 100% see you move from being a NOVICE to becoming COMPETENT in 4-6 weeks…and if you remain consistent, you will become STRONG – which means you will be RESILIENT and RESISTANT to injury!

See you in the gym,


P.S.  Are you ready to take the first step towards a fitter, stronger, and healthier you? Join us for a half-price two-week trial throughout August 2024. Visit to sign up and start your journey with ‘BoxPlus’ or ‘Functional Fitness’ today!  The link to the half-price trial is half way down the homepage…so just scroll down a little bit!! 🙂

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