Boxing Blogs


Zucchini Fritters


3 zucchinis 

3 spring onions

¾ cup self-raising flour

½ cup parmesan cheese finely grated 

½ cup parsley 

¼ cup red onion

1 egg whisked 

1 red chilli 

Salt & pepper 

Olive oil


Wash zucchinis and trim the ends.

Cut zucchinis in half and sprinkle heavily with salt. 

Leave for 5 minutes (this will draw out moisture) then pat dry.

Coarsely grate the zucchinis.

Transfer grated zucchini into a colander to remove as much excess moisture as possible.

Finely chop spring onions, parsley, red onion, and red chilli.

Transfer to a bowl and stir in grated zucchini, self-raising flour, parmesan cheese, and egg.

Salt and pepper to taste and mix until combined. 

Heat 1 tbsp of olive oil in a large frying pan over low-medium heat.

Add spoonful’s of zucchini mixture into the pan.

Cook for 1-2 minutes on each side or until golden and cooked through.

Transfer fritters onto a plate and repeat with remaining zucchini mixture.

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