Tempo Lifting
What Does Tempo Mean? Essentially, ‘tempo’ in weight training refers to the speed that you lift the weight (the concentric phase of the movement) and how quickly you lower the weight (the eccentric phase of movement).
Workouts with slower reps cause your muscles to experience more time under tension, much more than with faster reps. The amount of time your muscles stay strained beneath a certain amount of weight will lead to an increase in muscle size.
It is a very effective tool to help build strength and control for your compound movements like the squat and deadlift or even your Olympic lifting that require explosiveness and power. Slowing down exercises with tempo can really promote a better, more seamless lift in the long run.
Slower movement tempos require decreased external load, yet when paired with a greater time under tension, can create an adequate stimulus to induce hypertrophy and strength gains.
It’s great for beginners! Not only can you customise your workouts to start out slow and steady, but you’ll also get real-time feedback through the motion sensors about your form. Tempo will correct your posture and speed, ensuring that you don’t injure yourself, and train you to be a better exerciser. In experienced lifters they are likely to increase muscle gains from training.