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Time to Forgive Yourself and Reignite Your Fitness Journey

Time to Forgive and Reignite Your Fitness Journey at Round 1 Fitness

Hey Team,

Huge thanks to everyone who got along to train with us last week.  I’ve been having to focus on the strength classes myself recently – I’ve got a bit of an elbow issue that is really flaring during boxing sessions – but am hopefully going to be back with a bit more ‘balance’ in my schedule within a couple of weeks.  It is really hard sometimes – I’ve been trying to run a bit more to support my Hyrox goals…and (of course) now I’ve got this weird nerve pain in my soleus (shin) which is making that hard, my elbow is compromising my boxing…anyway, whatcha gonna do?  I’ll keep managing my way through things and staying as active as I can!!

Feels like a bit of a downer starting out talking about injuries – but I guess for me the challenge so often is to maintain consistency in my training no matter what stuff gets in the way.  Crazy work schedules (4:30am – 7pm + later days are no joke), outside commitments (things are going to be tough with footy finals approaching) not to mention family ‘stuff’…it really gets hard.  And I guess the purpose of this post is to say that:

“If the only working out you’ve done lately is beating yourself up for being lazy, it’s time to forgive and move on.” 

I mean, with winter’s chill starting to move towards the rear view mirror and the promise of spring just around the corner, NOW is really the perfect opportunity to reignite your training and really embrace the idea of ‘renewal’ that comes with this vibrant season…warmer days, brighter mornings…Let’s GO!!

  1. Forgive Yourself and Move Forward

First things first, let go of any guilt. Everyone falls off the wagon at times, and it’s important to remember that you’re not alone. If you haven’t been training as much lately, well., beating yourself up about it won’t change the past, but taking positive steps today will shape your future. We’re here to support you every step of the way, without any judgment – we’ve launched this new accountability program ($49.50 for 3-months of body scans and monthly catch-ups with a coach) with exactly this in mind.  Message myself ( or Tracey ( if you want to jump onto the wait-list for this program.  

  1. Start with Small, Achievable Goals

Re-engaging with your fitness routine doesn’t mean diving into a gruelling schedule right away. Start with small, manageable goals. Aim to attend 2-3 sessions per week. This frequency is a fantastic way to ease back into regular exercise without overwhelming yourself.  Acknowledge up-front that the first couple of sessions are going to be tough – take a ‘steady as she goes’ approach.  Don’t expect to be able to do all the ‘stuff’ you were doing ‘BEFORE’ – just get yourself to the end, make sure you are good to go on Day 2 and build your attendance and intensity over the next 4-6 weeks.

  1. Find the Right Time for You

We ALL have commitments outside of the gym – and you have to remember that sometimes to achieve the things you believe are important, you need to get out of your comfort zone.  There are sessions at 5am, 6am, 7am, 9am, 12pm, 1pm, 4pm, 5pm, 6pm, 7pm and 7:30pm.  If work has changed – there are still sessions you can get too…you might even find you LOVE coming in early before work.  Or that doing a later session actually really WORKS for you…no matter your routine, there is a time that will work – morning, noon or night.

Sometimes you just have to ‘give it a go’ (eg.  5am sessions, 7:30pm sessions) and you’ll find that what sounded ‘terrible’ actually really works for your “LIFE” right now.  Don’t dismiss things as ‘too hard’ – just search for balance and remember that once is better that not-at-all, twice will work better than once etc – find a time that works and just get to ‘THAT’ time twice per week…then add a weekend class and all of a sudden you’re back on the righteous path!!

  1. Enjoy the Journey

This is 100% a cliche but it’s a cliche ‘cos it’s true.  Your fitness pathway is a journey, not a destination – and you really do need to give yourself a little mini-”high-5” with each step you take.  Whether it’s the primal stress relief of hitting a bag as hard as you can in our BoxPlus class or the energy boost from lifting weights in our Functional Fitness program, just find some joy in the process.  Some people find joy by recording their weights/heart-rate outcomes etc and tracking their progress – others are the opposite and just want to get that “I done good” check in a box at the end of each session…lean into who YOU are and reward yourself that way!

  1. Lean on Our Community

I really do believe that Round 1 Fitness is more a community of people who train together than a gym where people come to exercise.  I’ve had people argue with me on the semantics of this over and again – but I’m not going to be swayed!!  The trainers are here to teach – 100%.  But they are also there to listen to your stories and support and motivate you – and celebrate your success.  On top of that, I 100% guarantee those people training alongside you will celebrate your little victories as well – if you jump off a bike having hit that cardio target with a smile and a “I made it”, the outcome will be a fist bump and a ‘Good job’ from the person alongside you.  Don’t hesitate to ask for advice, share your goals, or simply enjoy the camaraderie that comes with working out together.

Get Started Today

If you’ve been away for a while, there’s no better time than now to get moving again. Forgive yourself, set those small goals, and find a session time that works for you. As we move from winter to spring, let’s embrace this season of renewal and growth together. We’re excited to see you back and to help you every step of the way on your fitness journey.

See you in the gym,



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