Boxing Blogs


The Paradox of Modern Longevity: Are We Really Living Longer?

Hey Team,

Another great week is in the books!  Last week featured (for me) an absolutely KILLER CARDIO boxing class on Wednesday and some extremely ‘CHALLENGING’ sessions in the strength gym.  I know that when it comes to the Functional Fitness classes it makes sense to increase the effort required for the ‘Metcon’/’Workout’ component during the strength deload-week…but even so a couple of those sessions (Wednesday with the Lunges and Friday with all the rowing immediately spring to mind – did Friday REALLY need to be increased to 18-minutes??) really did seem to push the envelope then just keep on pushing!

And lastly, thanks of course to everyone who got along to the gym – and to all of those who attended our Quiz Night at the Coogee Community Centre last night.  Whilst I gratefully appreciate all of the ‘Thanks for a great night’ messages I received on the night and via socials after leaving, I have to say that aside from writing a couple of questions I didn’t contribute much – Tracey on the other hand has done a tonne of work to make the event a success…all credit and thanks should go to her.  As for my table finishing in first (and quite easily – I mean, we probably could have missed a round and still cruised to victory) – well, I did appreciate the congratulations at the end of the event and can only say:

1/.  “How do those grapes taste?  SOUR I’m guessing!”.

2/.  “If you’re not cheating, you’re not trying”.

NOW…last night’s soiree masquerading as a test of general knowledge (a further reminder that my team won so we are the smartest) really does align to what I wanted to write about today – so here goes…the important element of ‘community’ when it comes to health!

In recent years, we’ve seen a startling trend that’s challenging the belief that our lifespans should be steadily increasing. Despite the incredible advancements in food availability, technology and medicine, the average lifespan in the United States fell to 77 years in 2020 and dropped further to just over 76 years in 2021.  This doesn’t sound like much but it is the largest decrease over a two-year span since the 1920s. So I guess we should ask that if we have more resources and knowledge than ever before, why are we seeing such a decline?

(If you want to read more about the background here – specifically the change to the average lifespan, you can read all about it here:  And yes, I probably spend time reading stuff that isn’t exactly aligned to what I *should* be focussing on.  

Modern Life: A Blessing and a Curse

I guess it does come back to one of my favourite blog topics and one which is the ultimate irony of our time—while we’ve made life EASIER in so many ways, we’ve also made it HARDER to stay healthy. We’re living in an era where you can have a pizza delivered to your door in minutes (hell, you can have anything you LIKE delivered to your door in minutes), binge-watch entire seasons of TV without leaving your couch, and order groceries online so you never have to step foot in a store. It’s convenience on steroids…and all those dreams when I was growing up of the future being all about jet packs and space travel – well, those dreams are DONE.  The future is here and it revolves around a hand-held “wish granter” that was once a mobile phone!!

But here’s the catch: all that convenience is slowly killing us. We’re moving less, eating more, and stressing out like never before. It’s as if we’ve traded the physical struggles of the past for a new kind of challenge—one where we have to fight against our own comfort to stay healthy. If you think about it, our ancestors never had to remind themselves to take 10,000 steps a day—they were too busy hunting, gathering, and outrunning predators to worry about it!  I have spoken to a couple of people over the last couple of weeks who are battling to get 3000 steps per day…it really is CRAZY!

In the modern world the biggest threat to our future isn’t a sabre-toothed tiger (and thank God – those things are scary as!), but the allure of that comfy couch and a bag of chips. For the first time in history, we have to choose to be physically active. We have to consciously decide to eat healthily, or we risk shortening our lives and living those years with poorer health. And let’s be honest—it’s a lot harder to say no to a second helping of dessert when you know there’s a treadmill in the next room that you could use, but probably won’t.

The Importance of Community in Health

This is where community becomes crucial. It’s no longer enough to simply provide a space or tools for exercise. People need support, encouragement, and accountability to make the right choices consistently. Imagine trying to climb a mountain without a guide, or embarking on a plan to run a marathon without at least chatting to a couple of . That’s what pursuing health goals can feel like when you’re going it alone.

Being part of a community transforms the experience. When you’re surrounded by like-minded individuals who are all striving for similar goals, something magical happens—you start to believe in yourself a little more. You push a little harder, show up a little more often, and find joy in the journey instead of just focusing on the destination.

At Round 1 Fitness, I like to think we understand that achieving long-term health isn’t just about burning calories or lifting weights—it’s about being part of a supportive network that motivates you to keep going, even when life gets tough. Our members aren’t just participants in a workout; they’re part of a community that celebrates progress, offers encouragement, and pushes each other to be better every day. Because let’s face it—no one ever succeeded by being an island. We’re social creatures, and we thrive when we connect with others who share our goals.

Our Role?  Be around for the Long Haul

At Round 1 Fitness, we’re not just interested in helping you get fit for the next 3 months—we’re in it for the long haul. I mean -don’t get me wrong, I want the next 3-months to be AMAZING and for every session to be an awesome experience…but in all honesty 3-months is barely enough time to get started…you are just figuring the lay of the land after 3-months! We want to be the place you turn to for the next 30 years. Why? Because we believe that health is a lifelong journey, not a quick fix.

Whilst I am pretty happy to change things up – a quick look at the old photos I’ve been using in the blog recently will attest to that, not to mention our total gym reconstruction for COVID (cheers as always to Boris – you’re amazing mate!) but our sessions are 100% NOT about gimmicks, fads, or the latest trendy workout. The focus is – as it ALWAYS has been – on building a foundation that will serve you well into your later years. We want you to be that person who’s still lifting weights, throwing punches, and feeling strong when you’re well into your 60s and 70s (and hopefully beyond).

That’s why we emphasise consistency, sustainability, and most importantly, community. We know that sticking with a fitness routine for the long term isn’t easy—that’s why we’ve created an environment that makes it easier. That’s why there are classes at 5am, 6am, 7am, 9am, 12pm, 1pm, 4pm, 5pm, 6pm, 7pm, 7:30pm. – it is EASY to find a time that works when your schedule changes…it is EASY to find a time when your life changes!  After all, whether it’s through our group classes, one-on-one training or just the friendly faces you see every time you walk through our doors, we’re here to support you every step of the way.

Honestly – I really do want you to think of Round 1 Fitness not just as a gym, but as a second home—a place where you feel connected, supported, and inspired to keep moving forward, no matter what life throws at you. Our goal is to help you feel AMAZING!  To help you build the habits that will keep you healthy and happy for the long term, not just until your next beach vacation or family photo shoot!

A Call to Action

As we face these new challenges together, it’s more important than ever to find a community that supports your journey toward better health. At Round 1 Fitness, we’re not just here to offer you a gym membership, but inviting you to be part of a movement that prioritises longevity and well-being in a world that makes it all too easy to forget what really matters.  How do I explain that to people on their first day?  Well…I don’t really…but I hope each of you guys continue to make new people feel welcome and ‘part of the joint’ and allow them to benefit from being “IN” our community!

See you in the gym,


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