Boxing Blogs


Surviving the Festive Season

Surviving the Festive Season

The silly season is well and truly upon us and during this time it can be easy to overindulge. Sticking to your healthy habits and continuing your healthy lifestyle throughout the Christmas period, will ensure you keep on track for a healthy start to the new year! 

Schedule your workouts

Squeezing exercise into an intense holiday period can be challenging for some people, but the difference is “finding the time” to work out versus “making the time”. Schedule in your weekly workouts and stick to them. If you view them with the same value as any other meeting or appointment on your calendar, you’re probably not going to skip them! If you have events that will impact your ability to get to the gym, plan to get to a class in the morning so you can get in and get it done. You need to be mindful of what you are trying to accomplish from each session so you can be deliberate about your time, energy, and attention.

Move your body

You might be away from the gym for a couple weeks and you may not stick to your usual exercise routine, but that doesn’t mean you can’t stay active. Incidental exercise is underrated and there is no better time to get outside and get your steps in. Try to get creative with your exercise and find a way of moving your body that you enjoy. Something is better than nothing!

Prioritise your sleep

Cognitive ability and training recovery is impaired when you’re not sleeping properly! Try to finish eating at least two hours prior to sleep. Our bodies digest food better sitting in an upright position. So, if you’re feeling full and head straight to the couch for a nap, you’ll probably wake up feeling more lethargic. Allowing enough time between a fiesta and siesta will result in better digestion, absorption of nutrients, and improved quality of sleep.

Balance is key

Being anxious about everything you eat at Christmas is one way to ruin the festive season. Everything in moderation! Eat a healthy meal before heading out to the party to avoid overeating on the not so healthy foods. Don’t drink your calories! Swap your beer or sugary cocktail for one of the many low-calorie alternatives available. Be smart about your intake and you won’t have to feel guilty about every social event. 

Merry Xmas!

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