Boxing Blogs


Round 1 Programming Update, June 2024

Hey Team,

Welcome to another week.  Cheers to everyone who has been getting in and training with us – it’s been a great couple of weeks in the gym as we crack on through the MAY programming block in boxing and work through the WAVES program in the strength gym.  Whilst we remain on our current Boxing ‘track’ for the next couple of weeks, we are about to change gears in the Strength gym with the “Time to Let Go” 8-Week Strength block.

During the next eight weeks, our goal is to gain strength and power in our squats and press. We will bounce back and forth between heavy sets and light/moderate weight each week. When percentages are down, the volume will increase, along with some added accessory that we will superset between lifts. This will help athletes generate stronger hip and arm drive, creating much more explosiveness off the start. 

After taking a 6-week break from all things Oly, we are also diving back into our once-per-week Olympic Lifting and will be bouncing back and forth from Snatch (Athlete’s choice of Squat Snatch and Power Snatch) and Power Cleans.   Please understand this won’t necessarily be a dedicated ‘Olympic Lifting’ block as it was earlier this year – some weeks we will simply include one of the lifts into one of the ‘workouts’.

For anyone out there looking for more detail, please refer to the following table where I have tried to map things out 1-week at a time from this week (RESET:  May 20th) all the way through to mid-July.  

FYI the June Boxing block is already ‘in the books’ (actually, July is nearly done as well…I’ve been programming my heart out!) and I will provide an update on that as we draw towards the end of May and the switch-over to the June sessions.  I also have blog posts ‘in-stream’ on;

  • Creating a “PERFECT” week of training
  • Assessing whether or not you are ‘READY’ to lose weight, make changes etc.
  • Strength training for endurance athletes (with City to Surf runners in mind)
  • The most important meal of the day is…
  • Tempo training – why we do it and how it can help.
  • Your training:  Why aren’t you getting the results you deserve?

I’ve just felt a bit ‘hit and miss’ with my blog writing lately so I wanted to communicate to you guys all the things that I have ‘half mapped out’ so I have that obligation to finish them/publish them…feel free to hassle me to get them done!


8-Week Programming Layout
Wk0 (May 20th) Reset Week:
– Murph Prep – Barbell Complex

 – 5x 3 @ 80% for Back Squat, Deadlift, Bench Press and OH Press

 – Kettlebell Complex

Wk1 (May 27th) Final week of Murph Prep

Heavy Single Front Squat

Heavy Power Clean (8:00) 3×8 Hang Muscle Cleans (40-50% of Heavy Power Clean)

Heavy Single Shoulder Press

Wk2 (June 3rd) 3×12 Shoulder Press (55-60%), 12 (L/R) Banded Kneeling One Arm Lat Pulldown after each set

Heavy Squat Snatch (8:00) 3×8 Hang Muscle Snatch (40-50% of Heavy Snatch)

3×12 Front Squat (55-60%) (Super Set 3 seated Box Jumps after each set)

*** Murph is Saturday June 8th…stay TUNED for Details ***

Wk3 (June 10th) Every 3:00 (5 sets) 10 Hang Power Cleans (Build up to 65% of 1RM Clean)

3-2-1-1-1 Front Squat (Build to 85-90%)

3-2-1-1-1 Shoulder Press (Build to 85-90%)

Wk4 (June 17th) 3×10 Shoulder Press (60-65%), 5 Negative Pull Ups after each set

Every 3:00 (5 sets) 5x Hang Snatch (Build up to 65% of 1RM Snatch)

3×10 Front Squat (60-65%) (Super Set 2 Standing Broad Jumps after each set)

Wk5 (June 24th) Day 1: 3-2-1-1-1 Power Clean (Build to 85-90%)

Day 3: 6×3 Front Squat (80-85%)

Day 5: 6×3 Shoulder Press (80-85%)

Wk6 (July 1st) ***DELOAD***

3×8 Shoulder Press (65-70%) 15 Seated Banded Lat Pull after each set

3×8 Front Squat (65-70%) (Super Set 3 seated Box Jumps after each set)

3-2-1-1-1 Snatch (Build to 85-90%)

Wk7 (July 8th) ***DELOAD***

5×5 Front Squat (65%) (Super Set 1 Standing Broad Jumps after each set)

5×5 Shoulder Press (65%), 5 Negative Pull Ups after each set

Heavy Single Power Clean

Wk8 (July 15th) Day 1: Heavy Single Front Squat

Day 2: Heavy Single Snatch

Day 4: Heavy Single Shoulder Press

As always, ask questions if you have them…always happy to try and help (that’s actually why I am here).  

See you in the gym,



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