100g cooked ‘Quick-Time’ Taco mince (see notes for ‘Quick- Time’ taco mince’ recipe)
1 x medium sized wrap (I used Simpson Pantry brand – Lite, Low carb, Super grains)
20g sundried tomato strips (I used Deli Originals brand from Aldi)
25g Goats cheese (I used Emporium French style spread – Aldi)
1 x cup baby spinach, raw
10 x basil leaves, fresh, shredded
‘Quick-Time’ Taco mince Ingredients:
500g of mince of your choice. (I used 5-star beef mince)
Vegetarian? Meat free mince will work just as well on the menu.
20g taco seasoning (reduced salt if available)
1 tsp x minced garlic
1 x tsp chilli flakes (optional)
How to, ‘Quick-Time’ Taco mince Recipe/Cook Up:
Heat a non-stick fry pan over high heat.
Drop mince and garlic in and fry. Stirring on the go to break up any lumps.
Fry off until golden and delicious looking.
Add 20g/half a packet of Taco Seasoning & chilli flakes if you like some kick.
To fry off any extra fat, cook on high heat until all the fat from the pan evaporates. Takes about 3-5 mins.
Transfer to a container and pop in the fridge, ready for ‘Grab n Go’ meals on the run.
Directions for ‘Quick-Time’ Quesadilla ensemble:
Lay your wrap on a plate.
Spoon 100g of ‘Quick-Time’ taco mince on one half.
Next, layer your sundried tomato strips.
Dollop goats’ cheese on top of that.
Rip up your basil leaves and throw a layer of green goodness on top of that.
Finish with a cup of raw, baby spinach leaves.
Fold in half and cook in a toasty sandwich press or fry pan.
Transfer to plate after 3-5 mins and thank me later.