Boxing Blogs


“Owning a Gym = Being GRATEFUL.”

Hey Team,

Strange day.  I woke up and…went to footy training.  After hanging around a bit.  It’s so weird for me when the gym is closed for even a day!  In a couple of weeks we have some early closes on a Friday (2pm instead of 7pm) and I already feel ‘weird’ about that…I know WHY we didn’t open (so everyone could attend the Christmas party and relax without worrying about getting to work this morning) but EVEN SO…it feels weird.  To be truthful, a day doesn’t pass without me going to Round 1.  And it’s been that way for a LONG time now.

A lot of things about my ‘job’ are weird though.  In many ways it isn’t even work for large parts of the day…but 100% trying to work through billing issues, lease negotiations, dealing with suppliers, trying to keep the team on track, tracking inventory of toilet paper and work out why in the name is all that is holy we use so much…all of that is work.  But talking to people about their goals, teaching them how to move their bodies, challenging them in their work-outs…that stuff isn’t work.  Then there is all the in-between stuff (writing all of the programs etc) that is in between work and not-work depending on how I feel ‘that day’ and whether I am up-to-date or not with all the other ‘work’ stuff…

In the main though – my job (and it says ‘Gym Owner’ on my tax return) is really nothing but a great opportunity to help people.  That’s how I think about it anyway.

Building Relationships

As anyone (everyone) who attended the R1 Party last night could attest, talking to people is really NOT my thing.  I battle through in social situations never quite knowing how or what to say.  But somehow – in the gym every day – a heap of great people come in who I love engaging with.  Maybe because I am lucky enough to do the sessions as well so I know what each of you are going through, maybe it’s because I appreciate you are in the gym to feel a bit better, LIVE a bit better and I can relate – but I somehow feel a great sense of attachment and camaraderie with so many of you guys…I have to say, I find it pretty easy remembering everyone’s names (not a strength of mine away from the gym!) and I love getting to chat to people about everything in their lives OUTSIDE of the gym.

You know what else I love?  I love seeing people who connect through the gym and become firm friends outside of the four walls – gym buds are 100% amazing but gym buds who become more than that?  Well – for me that is such a reward because – to quote Ted Lasso –  “You just met another cool person”.

Helping People Achieve Their Goals

We’ve just come away from the Summer Slam challenge (and going back to ‘work’ I’m lucky enough to be mapping out the 2024 28-Days-Later challenge in the background already) and I love weigh-in day.  Watching people as they jump off the scales, knowing they have just seen the rewards of their hard work…that’s an amazing feeling.  Knowing that even though ultimately credit goes to each individual – THEY did the work!! – that I played a small part in helping them get to the end?  Well…that feels amazing.

Now – of course there are a heap of other ‘non-challenge’ based rewards that I get to enjoy – the best and simplest examples come in Funky with people hitting new personal bests – but the feeling of helping people move forward and achieve their goals…that’s a great feeling.

Personalized Support and Guidance

I love this about our gym – the coaches are ‘here to help’.  I know I’ve blogged about this element before but I just find the whole ‘Roll in, do your thing, Roll-out’ nature of most gym environments so…sad?  What I love is when the coach brings everyone together and explains the workout.  Then we all ask our questions and there is some banter back and forth – then we ALL go out and TRAIN TOGETHER…with the coach their by our side, offering help and guidance where we need it (and giving a bit of a kick up the butt when we need that too).  Yeah, I guess that’s the nature of our gym (structured classes) but even so…Round 1 really does have that team sport, we’re all in it together vibe that you just can’t get when your running alongside someone on a treadmill, then maybe later in that week you’re waiting for them to finish with some strength machine or other.

Impact on Mental Health

A lot of people come to us with the idea of maybe doing a bit of exercise and losing a couple of kilos.  For a lot of those people, the gym probably does more for them than a doctor’s office ever could.  It’s simplistic I know but for so many people in society today the key to feeling a bit better is simple – move a little more (10000 steps per day and structured gym program 3x per week), lay off the fast food and after dinner snacks, go to bed a little earlier (7+ hours in bed) and ‘disconnect’ from your phone/social media for all but two 15-minute ‘blocks’ each day – yet for so many drugs ends up being the prescription.  Now – the gym only solves ONE of those problems I outline (3x structured sessions every week) BUT it is so amazing that all of these elements are interconnected…when you get the gym ‘right’ (3x sessions each week) suddenly everything else on the list becomes SO much easier!

Creating a Positive Environment

The gym IS a positive place.  It’s a place where all these ‘motivated’ people come together and the attitudes they display can’t help but rub off on those around them.  Now – what’s my role in all of this as an owner?  Well…it’s both simple and complicated.  It’s simple because most of the time the part I need to play involves getting OUT OF THE WAY and letting the real culture drivers (each of you guys) show the way by simply showing up and working hard!

It can be hard as well though – it is a matter of trying to read the room, understand when people might need a little more or maybe just a change…and do everything within my power to make those things happen.  The recent re-introductions of first – the moving classes, then Rollin Thunder Saturday, THEN 1-minute rounds are great examples.  The Christmas Raffle?  Another great example…the regular challenges as well (of course)…

Being a Source of Motivation

One thing I always look forward too in the gym is trying to be a source of – not so much motivation or inspiration, but quiet guidance – for all the people who come to Round 1.  I have to laugh when I see someone at the shops and they immediately start trying to cover up things in their cart…I (of course) don’t care – you should “DO YOU” – but I do love that just seeing me makes you want to try and be a ‘better’ and more disciplined person.  If you want to know why I would NEVER let you get off the bike having done 18-calories when the instruction was 20…well, you’ve found it.  Short-cuts in one part of life = short-cuts in another – and I certainly don’t want the gym to be the place where you are learning it’s ok to get ‘close enough!’.

My task?  To remain consistent and challenging (and know when I can relax these rules a little!) and ensure you leave the gym with positive habits guiding the rest of your decision making!


Getting to write “Gym Owner” on my tax return…it’s not always been a positive in my personal life and 100% I used to enjoy those pre-gym days when I got annual leave and could even take a sick-day here and there.  But what it does mean is I have created for myself an opportunity to help people every single day.

I really appreciate each of you guys giving me that chance!

Over to you
If there is one part of this little argument that you have found – maybe you lost some weight on a challenge, maybe you have a positive attitude about your capacity to do things outside of the gym (confidence), maybe you made a great gym buddy who you can’t live without…maybe anything!  Anyway, if you’ve had something at the gym impact you in a positive way, please comment to that effect on our socials (under this post).

Of course, if you aren’t a member yet (or were once but not anymore!), we have an awesome special right now and you can come and train at Round 1 until Jan 31st for just $99.  Sign up here:

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