Boxing Blogs


Make Meal-Prep the FIRST workout of your week!!

Hey Team,

Thanks to everyone who came along to train with us during the week.  I am really enjoying the August Boxing block (though that session with the 2x 25-burpee efforts was just a touch OTT!!) – from a programming perspective I’ve been really ‘leaning in’ to the circuit-style training…and for me as a coach having the ability to really challenge each person to really ‘finish their work’ before the bell…then INSISTING that they finish their work before moving on is a real game changer.  I’m just finding that ability to really hold people accountable for their effort in the gym is a great thing and really does get back to the heart of Round 1.

I’ve told the story a gazillion times about trying to create a gym environment where the environment mirrors that of a team sport training session – we all come together at a set time and place, the coach explains what we will be doing then leads us through the workout – offering specific technical pointers, motivation and an occasional kick up the butt along the way…yes – of course every ‘player’ has their own strengths and weaknesses (and the coach needs to understand that and apply the ‘rules’ with discretion!!) BUT – we all need to get to the end TOGETHER!!  Can I throw in a #NoShortCuts!!

Meanwhile, over in the Strength gym we are well into this current Wendler-based block (Check this out if you want more info on Wendler’s training system: and I hope everyone is feeling the benefits.  I know for me the challenge of that final set with the ‘3+’ reps was a real killer this week particularly with the back squats.  The bar gets heavy QUICK!  We’re a week or so away for the mid-point of the block and the ‘RESET’ week so let’s continue to push ourselves all the way through.

This week, I want to write about one of the CORE beliefs of the gym – that a successful fitness journey starts well before you hit the gym…and specifically that no matter how hard you push yourself inside the 4-walls, you just can’t out-train a bad diet. With that said, one of the most overlooked but essential components of a healthy lifestyle is meal preparation – particularly breakfast and lunch.  As you read through this, I want you to think of it (meal-prep) as the first workout of your week! By dedicating time to meal prep, you’re setting yourself up for a week of success, both in terms of feeling better and achieving your weight loss goals.

“Remember:  Meal Prep should be the FIRST “workout” of your week!!”

1. Stress-Free Mornings

Imagine jumping out of bed, knowing that your breakfast and lunch are already sorted. No more frantic searches through the fridge like a reality TV contestant in a cooking challenge. A well-planned meal prep means your mornings are calm, allowing you to start the day on a positive note. This stress-free start can have a significant impact on your overall mood and energy levels.

2. Healthy Choices Made Easy

When you’re prepared, making healthy choices becomes second nature. By having nutritious meals ready to go, you avoid the temptation of unhealthy snacks and quick fixes. This consistency not only helps in weight loss but also ensures you are fueling your body with the right nutrients. Plus, you won’t have to endure the awkward stares from co-workers when you pull out some kind of sad looking sandwich – or as one of my kids once memorably took to school – a jar of nutella and a spoon!

3. More Time for What Matters

Spending a little time on meal prep each week can save you countless hours throughout the week. Instead of standing in line at a café or restaurant, you can enjoy your lunch break doing things that truly matter to you—whether that’s taking a walk, catching up with a friend, or simply relaxing. Or, you know, indulging in 2024’s favourite hobby:  pretending to work while scrolling through social media

Getting Started with Meal Preparation

Before I head into the details, I really do want you to think of your meal prep in 3-phases.  Phase 1 is creating a repeatable breakfast solution that works for you – overnight oats, greek yoghurt and protein powder, 3-egg omelet…this should be something simple and easy to prepare that you are HAPPY to eat 5-6 days out of 7.  Phase 2 is lunch – and this is the trickiest of all.  Pre-prepared is easiest here (and there are some great solutions in our Round 1 Simple Food and Recipe Guide) but if COOKING and packaging isn’t for you, don’t dismiss the countless frozen solutions (Lite’n’Easy, MyMuscleChef, YouFoodz etc) – you don’t have to do it yourself…focus on the OUTCOME not the input…and you don’t get extra points for doing it yourself.  Phase 3 is Dinner – this is generally the EASIEST in terms of meal selection and preparation (more time is generally available – dinner time and bedtime can be moved, work time/school time generally can’t!!)…often the hardest part with dinner is meal size and calorie management – and that stuff is the easy stuff!

1. Plan Your Meals

Start by planning your meals for the week. Aim for simple, nutritious recipes that you enjoy. Our Round 1 Simple Food and Recipe Guide is a great resource to help you get started. It’s packed with easy-to-follow recipes and meal ideas that can take the guesswork out of healthy eating. Think of it as your secret weapon against meal-time chaos.

2. Grocery Shopping

Make a list of the ingredients you need and head to the store. If you have trouble sticking to your list, just submit an online order to avoid impulse purchases. If you are heading in store, remember to take your ‘list’ – shopping with a plan not only saves time but also keeps you on track with your health goals. Plus, it minimizes those awkward moments when a quick look at your trolley has you realizing you’ve grabbed enough ‘after dinner’ snacks to fuel a small army and, guess what…there’s that gym buddy you train with every day pushing their vegetable filled trolley into the aisle just up ahead…

3. Set Aside Time for Prep

IF you are prepping your meals by cooking them yourself, then it is so important to choose a day that works best for you—most people find Sunday afternoons or evenings ideal. Dedicate an hour to chopping vegetables, cooking proteins, and portioning out meals. Store them in the fridge so they’re ready to grab and go. As time goes on and you get a little more adventurous with what you are making, I guarantee this ‘time of the week’ will have you feeling a bit like you are in your own episode of “Master Chef” – minus the TV cameras, dramatic music and super annoying judges of course!

The Benefits Speak for Themselves

When you take control of your meals, you’ll notice the benefits almost immediately. Not only will you feel healthier and more energized, but you’ll also find that you’re more in control of your weight loss journey. The best part? You’ll experience less stress and more freedom throughout the week. And let’s be honest, who couldn’t use a little less stress?

Remember, the key to success is consistency. By making meal prep your first workout of the week, you’re setting a solid foundation for the days ahead. So why not give it a try this week? Again, if you aren’t sure where to get started, check out our Round 1 Simple Food and Recipe Guide for some inspiration – it has a whole section on meal prep and takes all the guess work out of it.  Having a fridge filled with tasty, health meals really is the first step towards a healthier, happier you. Your future self will thank you—probably while enjoying a delicious, pre-prepared meal.

See you in the gym,



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