Boxing Blogs


Feeling Like the New Kid at the Gym? Everyone starts ‘Somewhere’!!

Hey Team,

I know, I usually start out with my thank you’s etc and I don’t want to break with tradition…so thanks to everyone who got along and trained with us last week – we really do appreciate it.  But I kind of have some stuff to say this week to everyone who is ‘NEW’ and to everyone THINKING about being ‘NEW’.  We have this cool special right now – 2-weeks of unlimited sessions for $29.50 (you can grab that from the website at – just click the link halfway down the homepage) but SIGNING-UP is rarely the problem…it’s easy to be motivated and determined when you are scrolling through your phone after dinner.  But the reality hits when you are in struggle town, 30-minutes into a session wondering exactly WHAT you have gotten yourself into…Everyone seems so FIT – except you.  Everyone seems so STRONG – except YOU.  And (maybe most importantly), Everyone seems to understand what they are supposed to be doing. – except YOU!  And you wonder if you will EVER be able to get ‘THERE’???

We get it.  You want to make a change and put some really positive habits into ACTION – but starting out at a new gym can feel like being the new kid at school. I think this is true x TWO at Round 1 Fitness, where both our boxing classes AND Functional Fitness classes are fast-paced and the jargon can sound like a foreign language. The reality is though, EVERYONE wants you to be successful and are there to help…

Embrace Being New

Everyone starts somewhere, and it’s completely okay to feel a bit clueless at first. Trust us, every single member here once felt exactly how you do now. It’s all part of the journey.  Two weeks have gone by and you still can’t work out the difference between a jab and a cross?  That’s OK – the coaches are there to help and KNOW that it can be confusing…just continue to persist and you’ll find (100% you will) that one day it all just CLICKS!  For some people that happens in a day…not everyone is one of ‘THOSE’ people…if it’s taking a bit longer, that’s ok.  Stay focussed and ASK for help…and in the mean-time, just do what you can.

Go at Your Own Speed

One of the biggest myths is that you need to keep up with the person next to you. Spoiler alert: you don’t.  I mean, it ONLY took Rocky 6-weeks to get ready to fight Apollo…but it took him EVERY BIT of that 6-weeks.  Coming in and imagining you were going to do it ‘EASY’???  It doesn’t work that way.  I remember talking to my youngest after his first game of basketball and asking him how he went:  “I thought I’d get the ball more” was his reply…well, if you fast forward a few years, as it turns out he was JUST FINE!!!  Practice and persistence.

I know it sounds obvious but you really do need to focus on your own pace and progress. Perfecting your technique is more important than keeping up – and whilst sometimes it might seem that the coaches want you to do ‘MORE’ and go ‘FASTER’ – not every instruction they call out is aimed at YOU!!! . They know you are getting starting…and are here to guide you through every step.

Perfect One Thing at a Time

Instead of trying to master everything at once, pick one aspect to focus on. For instance, get your boxing stance down before moving on to your jab. Make sure your squat depth is ‘on point’ before adding too much weight to the bar.  Small steps lead to big progress over time.  If you get the first step ‘RIGHT’, then you can smoothly move onto the next.  Trying to jump to level ‘SEVEN’ when you haven’t quite finished level ‘ONE’ – it’s just going to leave you frustrated…remember, you are on YOUR path and whilst keeping up is ‘cool’, you don’t need to keep up in order to be making progress…and STEP-BY-STEP progress is what we’re after.

Don’t Be Afraid to Ask Questions

Our coaches and staff are here to help you. If you don’t understand a term or technique, just ask! We’re dedicated to making sure you feel comfortable and confident…but it can be pretty hard for us to work out what things you AREN’T confident about if you don’t tell us!  We use the app and text messages to reach out to people when they start – so if you miss the chance to ask a question face-to-face, don’t hesitate to reach out via the app (or by replying to a message).  We WANT to try and help you guys!

Lean on Your Community

Round 1 Fitness is more than just a gym—it’s a family. Other members are often more than happy to offer tips or encouragement. Building relationships with your fellow gym-goers makes workouts more fun and less intimidating.  Embrace this – say ‘Hi’ to the person next to you…your’e probably going to be next to them for the next 40-mins or so and they might just be your best resource in the short-term…no, they are not there to coach you but I like to think pretty much EVERYONE is there to help.

Celebrate Small Wins

Every bit of progress is worth celebrating, no matter how small. Whether it’s learning a new punch or completing a workout, take the time to acknowledge your achievements. These small victories keep you motivated and confident.

Remember Why You Started

Keep your goals in mind. Whether you’re here for fitness, stress relief, or learning a new skill, remind yourself of why you decided to join. This will help you push through the initial discomfort and stay committed.  Some sessions are really (really) hard.  Some sessions leave you feeling really sore.  It’s all a part of getting started…embrace it and remind yourself – these small discomforts are just bumps in the road…and now they are bumps in the rear-view mirror.  Good things always require a little EXTRA effort…

Judgment-Free Environment

One of the things we pride ourselves on at Round 1 Fitness is our truly judgment-free environment. You’ll find yourself training alongside a diverse membership base—from 12-year-olds to 70-year-olds. We don’t have Instagram junkies filming their workouts; we have people coming in, training hard, and trying to live a life that’s just a little bit healthier than it was yesterday. Our members are just like you—juggling jobs, families, school, and trying to squeeze in a workout between 100 other chores. I really do think that you’ll fit right in with this supportive, hard-working community.

Joining Round 1 Fitness might feel intimidating at first, but with time and perseverance, you’ll find your confidence growing. Remember, everyone here wants to see you succeed. So, strap on those gloves, step up to the bag and know that you’ve got this!

See you in the gym,


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