Boxing Blogs


Be Curious, Not Judgmental: Overcoming Frustration in Fitness

Hey Team,

Happy Sunday!  And happy stickers to everyone fighting their way through the Summer Slam Challenge…one thing about this challenge, certainly has a great vibe happening in the gym with busy classes and people in fighting their way through the extras.  We’re a couple of week’s in now – and challenge or no challenge, you’re a couple of weeks into “SOMETHING” – and I know the weekend is so often the time we all sit back and assess how things are going…and if you’re anything like me, that glass is always a little more half empty than half full!

Honestly, this “FITNESS” stuff is hard. You’re showing up, putting in the work, following the plan, and yet…the results aren’t happening as quickly as you hoped. Frustration creeps in. You start questioning everything—your effort, your progress (and for some of us that decision to take on the Summer Slam challenge), whether ANY of it is worth it.

It’s easy to fall into the trap of self-judgment when things don’t go as planned. But what if, instead of judging ourselves harshly, we approached the situation with curiosity?

As *Ted Lasso* once said, quoting Walt Whitman: “Be curious, not judgmental.”

That episode, with the iconic darts game, wasn’t just a feel-good TV moment (it’s actually the best tv moment this century and I’m happy to fight anyone who wants to argue otherwise: (It goes for 4-minutes…do yourself a favour!). It holds a key lesson for all of us, especially in fitness. When we stop judging our progress and start getting curious, we open ourselves up to learning and growth.

Curiosity Unlocks Growth

This idea of replacing frustration with curiosity isn’t just a catchy phrase—it’s a powerful mindset shift. When results don’t match expectations, it’s easy to feel like giving up or pushing even harder without reflection. But as the team at *The Growth Equation* explains in their article, “Feeling Frustrated? Get Curious,” frustration can actually be an opportunity to dig deeper and find out what’s really going on.
Instead of thinking, “Why am I not seeing results?” try asking, “What could be causing this plateau? What could I adjust in my training, nutrition, or recovery?”

By being curious, we can identify areas we might be overlooking, whether it’s technique in the gym, stress levels outside the gym, or even just needing a little more time to see the progress.

Tips to Stay Curious and Avoid Frustration

So, how can you shift from judgment to curiosity in your own fitness journey? Here are a few strategies to help:

  1. **Reframe setbacks as learning opportunities**
    Instead of feeling down when progress stalls, see it as a chance to learn something new. Could your sleep habits be affecting recovery? Is your form off in a particular exercise? Ask yourself what you could tweak or improve rather than blaming yourself for a lack of results.
  2. **Focus on what you can control**
    In fitness, there are variables that are outside our control—genetics, life stress, or just the natural ebb and flow of progress. Focus your curiosity on the things you can adjust, like your workout intensity, nutrition choices, or even how you manage stress outside the gym.
  3. **Seek feedback and fresh perspectives**
    If you’re stuck, ask for help! Whether it’s chatting with a coach or a fellow gym member, seeking advice can help you discover something you may have missed on your own.  Remember, people don’t need to be EXPERTS to provide valuable advice – often the person who is on the bag (in the rack) right next to you will be the one with the most valuable perspective…they’re doing what YOU are doing!
  4. **Celebrate small wins**
    Even when it feels like you’re not moving forward, there are always small victories to acknowledge. Maybe you’ve been more consistent with your workouts, or you’ve mastered a particular movement. Recognizing these wins keeps you motivated and curious about the next one.

Turning Frustration Into Progress

Remember, no one’s fitness journey is linear. There will always be ups and downs, but by staying curious and open to learning, you can turn those frustrating moments into opportunities for progress. When you stop judging yourself harshly and start asking the right questions, you’ll find that the answers are often within reach—and that the process becomes much more enjoyable.
So next time frustration creeps in, channel your inner Ted Lasso and choose curiosity. Your results—and your mindset—will thank you.

See you in the gym,


p.s.  I am away for a few days – back next weekend.  But I always love getting emails about the blog and whether it was useful or not…or seeing comments about it on socials.  So please – whether this was helpful, or annoying, reach out!

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