Boxing Blogs


An Indulgent Christmas Dinner with Health Benefits

An Indulgent Christmas Dinner with ‘Health Benefits’…..

You’ve probably heard it all before when it comes to indulgent festive foods…

“So high in calories” …”So fattening” …” Really ‘bad’ for you” …” Guilty pleasure” …I could go on…

But what if we turned the tables a bit (pun intended) and spoke about some of the health benefits of some popular festive foods?

Yeah…I promise you…They do exist!

Below are some of my favourite festive foods (including my favourite recipes linked) and the nutrients they contain to better support your health.

‘Good Old’ Mashed Potatoes…

If you don’t like mashed spuds then we can’t be friends! Just kidding, but who doesn’t like mashed potatoes?

They are quite possibly the world’s most perfect and versatile side dish (or main dish just quietly). I mean, before potatoes got such a tarnished rep (thanks #dietculture), they were often thought of as a nutrient-dense food. And, they still are friends! 

Potatoes are an excellent source of potassium, an important mineral and electrolyte that helps nerves and muscles (including the heart!) function properly, and may help regulate blood pressure. Spuds are also a good source of vit. C and fibre. And to reap all the benefits of the fibre in potatoes, like better digestion and satiety, make sure to cook (and mash) them with the skin still intact!

Check out my ‘go-to’ Martha Stewart Mash recipe here. It’ll be on my table this Christmas day.

‘Good Old’ Green Bean Casserole…

Honestly, this ain’t my favourite side dish. But hey, maybe I’m in the minority…Aside from all the creamy goodness, green bean casserole does have some health benefits, thanks to the key ingredient; green beans.

Green beans are a great source of fibre, as well as vitamins C & A, and the mineral manganese. Green beans also contain soluble fibre, which may help keep cholesterol levels in a healthy range. What’s more, the fat in the butter and the parmesan cheese in my ‘Festive Green Bean Casserole’ can help the body absorb vitamin A, a fat-soluble vitamin.

‘Candied Up’ Sweet Potatoes…

I know what you’re thinking…How can the name of this dish actually make it ‘good for you?’… It’s true, ‘Candied Up’ sweet potatoes can be high in sugar, but let’s dissect them a bit and focus on the actual potatoes here first. 

Like white potatoes, sweet potatoes are an excellent source of potassium. They are also high in vit. C, B6, A and a great source of fibre. They are most nutrient-dense when eaten with their skin on, so that’s a tweak you can make to your ‘Candied Up’ Sweet Potatoes recipe to make them more nutritious.

If you do make these, halving the sugar won’t make too much difference to the taste and it allows the natural sweetness of the sweet potatoes to shine through!

Fore rib Roast Beef…

I am fully in the camp that red meat should be limited to help reduce the risk of chronic diseases and cancer (and #environment). However, a once in a while steak sandwich or festive rib roast is totally OK, especially if they come from quality, grass-fed and finished beef.

Rib roast is certainly not lacking in nutrients, as it is a great source of ‘complete protein’, which your body can easily absorb and utilise. Rib roast is also a great source of vit. B12 and an excellent source of iron, which is especially important for women in their childbearing years when they have a higher likelihood of iron deficiency. 

Of course, it’s also higher in saturated fat as red meats tend to be, but pairing it with ‘rainbow veg’ and ‘whole grains’ is a great, balanced strategy.

Here’s my ‘Garlic & Rosemary Forerib Roast’ recipe in case you want to make a show stopper this Christmas.

Pecan Pie for the win…

The pecan pie is a rich and decadent festive dessert and it tends to be on the higher end of #sugar. However, part of the reason pecan pie is also higher in calories is that pecans are an excellent source of healthy, monounsaturated fats. This is yet another reason to NOT think so much about calories, but nutrients, and what foods can do for your body (and soul!). Aside from the heart-healthy fats, pecans themselves pack a ton of vitamins and minerals, like zinc, thiamine, copper and magnesium. Pecans are also a great source of blood sugar-stabalising fibre.

In saying that, you should probably add these ‘Baby Pecan Pies’ to your dessert menu this Christmas…You’re welcome!

When it’s all said and done. Bottom line…

When it comes to nutrition and health, you have to take a bird’s eye view…aka look at the big picture.

You aren’t eating any of these or other festive “indulgences” in a vacuum, right? You are most likely eating them in ‘moderation’, as part of your normal ‘diet’ – unless #dietculture creates unnecessary fear and restriction. 

The way I see it, all food has some nutritional benefits, as I’ve outlined above. But what’s way more important is what they may represent to you and your family, like togetherness during your festivities. That’s nourishing to the soul!

And as far as I’m concerned, we need these types of health benefits in our lives as well.

As always, if you have any questions, or need some extra help navigating this ‘festive season’, you can find me in the gym most days for a chat. Always happy to help!

Big love and respect,

Coach Gab G x

(Your in-house nutritionist)

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