Boxing Blogs


Tip Tuesday – What is Whey Protein?

What exactly is ‘whey’?

Whey is the liquid component of milk, which separates from the fatty components during cheese production.

This is why when somebody asks me if their child can have whey, I reply… “Yes, it’s like milk”.

In fact, human breast milk is up to 80% whey.

Why do we need protein?

Young, old, sedentary or active, protein is arguably the most important of the 3 macronutrients.

Your body needs dietary protein in order to function on a base, cellular level.

It is this macro that is responsible for the entire structure and function of the human body, and all of the tissues and organs within it.

Why is whey a good source of protein?

Whey protein provides all 9 of the essential amino acids, making its profile ‘complete’ and ‘superior’ to many other sources of dietary protein.

However, what makes whey really special is its markedly high ‘leucine’ content.

‘Leucine’ is the most anabolic amino acid, stimulating growth and spiking ‘muscle protein synthesis’ in an extremely fast acting way.

But aside from all that…

The real point of this ‘tip Tuesday’ is really just to stop you pouring your watery whey down the kitchen sink when you open your yogurt.


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