Boxing Blogs


4-Part Food Strategy (inc Lunchtime Meal Prep!).

Hey Everyone,

What a week.  Not sure how everyone else is coping but it certainly feels like winter has struck a couple of weeks early.  Some colder mornings coupled with the mysterious pain in my knee, shoulder and more recently the lump on my wrist seem to be turning my training motivation into training de-motivation…which in turn makes me dream of winter comfort foods.  Does anyone else ever sit at their desk dreaming of lasagne?  Anyway, I guess some good habits have somehow seen me through – and whilst my wrist issues have seen me pull back on some boxing sessions I’ve been doing some extra Funky Fit sessions instead (we are so lucky to have OPTIONS!!) and still doing my 3km row every day…

What I have been super focussed on since the start of Summer Bodies is taking a little bit more responsibility for my LUNCHES.  Because I leave for work a little after 4:30am each day, both breakfast and lunch often turn into a problem.  Overnight oats is generally my go-to breakfast – half-cup oats, scoop protein powder, half-cup berries, half-cup yoghurt, creatine, carnitine and (if I’m lucky!), spoon of peanut butter – but lunch so often gets the better of me.  Yes, leftovers are good – but it can be hit and miss…and on those weeks when it’s more hit than miss it’s ok – other weeks it can get to be Thursday before there are any leftovers.  So – I’ve been making a real effort to do ‘something better’ at lunch.

Why is lunch important?  Well, I could sing from the usual song-book and say “eating a nutritious lunch is essential for maintaining energy levels, productivity, and overall well-being throughout the day”.  But to start it off I want to go another way. For me, eating a decent lunch is important because if I don’t then come 3pm I am desperate to eat anything I can get my hands on which doesn’t lead to great decisions.  So – eating a GOOD lunch vs rushing and quickly eating something that doesn’t go close to ticking any nutrition goals etc…well, it has a flow on for not just ‘lunch’ but the next meal(s) as well.

Let’s face it though – the reality of busy schedules and hectic workdays often leads to lunches becoming an afterthought or a hurried affair.  For me – leaving home at 4:30am – if lunch isn’t in the fridge and READY to go, well…it’s going to be a disaster.  So this last month – as part of my overall diet ‘take charge’ approach I have added ‘good lunches’ into my 4-part food strategy…it now looks like this:

-Eating Protein at Every Meal for Satiety (or the ‘Toast and Cereal alone do not = breakfast rule).

-Maintaining a Food and Training Diary: Tracking Your Way to Success, One Bite, One Pushup, One Squat at a Time!

-Making sure Breakfast is ENERGY based and balanced – (I mentioned that plan before) and not about convenience because I “don’t have time” in the mornings.

-Sunday Meal Prep: Make sure a WEEK of lunches are ready to go each Sunday.

Lunchtime can often be chaotic, leaving us susceptible to making less-than-ideal food choices or settling for unhealthy options. However, with the power of Sunday meal prep, you can take control of your midday meal and ensure it becomes a highlight of your day.

Sunday meal prep involves dedicating approximately ONE HOUR on a Sunday (and less than that really) to prepare a week’s worth of food.  Here goes:

1/. Write the list + buy the food. 150g of protein for each meal, 200g steamed frozen veggies for each meal, ½ cup of rice OR ½ cup diced sweet potato for each meal.  Don’t try and meal prep without this step being nailed as there is nothing worse than getting ‘half-way’ only to realise you are missing ‘something’.
2/. How many containers have you got?  Is there room in the fridge – get all the details sorted before you start cooking.
3/.   Cook the ‘carbs’ – rice in a rice cooker, sweet potato in the oven.  Pick your choice…
4/. Prep the protein.  Meatballs are my favourite so I purchase mince and make meatballs.  I love this because I can add ‘extras’ to the meatballs to amp up the veggies (grated carrot, spinach etc) AND you can also add your spices to the whole mix – and you don’t need to do a marinade.  If you are using chicken etc, the easiest way is to cube it and ‘rub it’ – chilli etc – before you start.  Make it as simple or as complicated as you like…but simple = easy = likely to do it.  Complicated = a pain = unlikely to do it!
5/. Grab a set of scales and measure out the FIRST lunchbox…make the others using your ‘eye’…she’ll be right.
6/. If possible, be sure to include an ‘emergency’ meal in the pile of lunchboxes – I think this is best when the emergency meal is something ‘different’ (leftovers might work here but a pre-made frozen meal will also fill the breach) because if you don’t, you WILL need it.  
7/. Don’t fight it – if every Thursday you grab a burger with 3-colleagues from work – cool.  Keep doing that.  Meal prep for lunch is supposed to help you feel good, not resentful. Enjoy your Thursday burger guilt free and enjoy your meal prep on each of the other days.

From there, it’s simple – grab your prepped lunch in the morning, chuck it in the fridge at work and you’ll be more than ready to conquer the day with a nourishing meal that awaits you.

By incorporating Sunday meal prep into your routine, you’ll enjoy the following benefits:

Save time and reduce stress: With prepped meals ready to go, you’ll eliminate the need to scramble for lunch options or settle for unhealthy choices. Say goodbye to lunchtime stress and hello to a peaceful, enjoyable midday break.

Enhance nutrition: By intentionally planning and preparing your meals, you can ensure a well-balanced plate filled with nutrient-dense ingredients. Include a variety of colors, flavors, and textures to make your lunch a feast for both the eyes and the taste buds.

Save money: Preparing your meals in advance can help you cut down on dining out expenses. It’s a cost-effective way to take care of your health while keeping your budget in check.

Reduce waste: With portioned meals, you’ll have better control over serving sizes, minimizing food waste. Say goodbye to those half-eaten takeout containers and hello to an eco-friendly approach to your lunches.

That’s it – the fourth diet strategy to power up your lunch: Sunday meal prep! By dedicating a few hours on the weekend to plan, shop, and prepare your meals for the week, you can transform your midday break into a nutritious and delightful experience. Say goodbye to rushed lunches and unhealthy choices.

With Sunday meal prep, you’ll save time, reduce stress, enhance your nutrition, save money, and minimize food waste. Enjoy the benefits of having delicious, well-balanced meals readily available, allowing you to fuel your body and mind for optimal performance throughout the day.

Remember, with these four simple diet strategies – eating protein at every meal, maintaining a food and training diary, consuming carbs in the morning, and Sunday meal prep – you have the tools to fuel your body, achieve satiety, track your progress, and elevate your lunchtime experience.
See you in the gym,


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